Moxie Recipe Contest Form
Submit your entry here. Please enter by Wednesday, July 5. Upload a copy of the recipe (this can be a draft, the final recipe must be submitted on the day of the contest). Moxie Festival reserves the right to all recipe entries, we'll always credit the creators.
Entry form should be completely filled out and presented with the entry fee (when applicable) and final recipe on the day of the contest. Please use a separate entry form for each recipe you enter. You can enter as many different recipes as you like, a separate fee will be due for each entry. Veterans enter at no charge.
The Contest will be held at the Lisbon High School Cafeteria in Lisbon Falls, Maine on Friday, July 7th.
Bring your entry (or entries) to the school cafeteria between 4:00 p.m. and 4:45 p.m. on the day of the Contest. You are responsible for:
Enough sample product for the judges’ panel, as well as samples for the Crowd Favorite judging by festival-goers.
Serving utensils and any needed plates, bowls or cutlery the judges will need to taste your sample.
A table cover and a sign with the name of your recipe entry will be provided. You will be responsible for any other items you would like to display with your entry.
Each entrant is responsible for serving and answering questions about each entry.
No cooking facility will be available, but there are outlets available for use prior to the contest if a warmer or crock pot needs to be plugged in. Water is available for chafing dishes if used.
Refrigeration and/or warming is the responsibility of the entrant. No refrigerators or stoves are available for use.
Judging will begin promptly at 5:00 p.m. The Judges’ Panel will judge first; when they have tasted all recipe entries, any festival attendees who purchase judging tickets (they will be available on the day of the contest at $5 each) will judge by entering their tickets after the Panel is finished.
Winners will be announced at approximately 6:30 p.m., this will depend on the final number of entries.